WOCCA’S near future plan is to implement Nutrition Programmes in Middle and Lower Shabelle focusing mainly on Pregnant and Lactating women and Children under the age of 5. WOCCA will focus on these groups because of their nutritional needs. Pregnant women are at risk of getting malnourished because the nutrients are shared between the mother and the foetus; therefore they need sufficient nutrition for themselves and the baby. Lactating women are also at risk because the nutrients are shared between the mother and the infant through breast feeding. Lack of Vitamin A which is essential for embryonic growth can lead to severe birth defects. Women who have just given birth need vitamin A to help with postpartum tissue repair. Boys and girls under the age of 5 who are living at poverty level and not getting proper nutrition are also among the higher at risk. Preschool children are at risk of mortality and morbidity from some forms of diarrhoea, measles, water bone diseases, and malaria, hence the emphasis on the children.
WOCCA’s Nutrition Programmes will implement activities in the following sectors, OTP (outpatient theurapetic programmes), TSFP(targeted supplementary feeding programme) and SC(stabilization Centres).
The Nutrition situation in Somalia over the years has continued to deteriorate mainly due to seasonal failures, poor food production and poor dietary diversity; low incomes, outbreak of diseases (AWD, Cholera, Whooping cough, malaria etc) and limited access to basic services especially health and sanitation services. WOCCA’s Nutrition programmes targets children under five and pregnant and lactating women of vulnerable communities who are most susceptible to Nutrition, health and protection problems. The Nutrition Programme includes these services
This service is offered to moderately malnourished children under five and pregnant and lactating women. The services include; screening of children under five and pregnant and lactating women for moderate malnutrition. Those found malnourished are admitted to the SFP programme. Within the SFP program, the moderately malnourished receive Ready-to-Use-Supplementary- Foods (RUSFs)in form of a Plumpy Sup, Plumpy’Doz or a High energy biscuit, which provides the necessary nutrients to treat the Nutrition deficiencies. These RUFs is given to the moderately malnourished on a weekly basis with weekly/monthly follow ups on the development of the beneficiaries. It is also particularly adapted to children that exit therapeutic nutrition programmes, as a means of preventing emergence of severe malnutrition.
On other instances, Fortified Blended Foods (FBFs) are provided to prevent and address nutrition deficiencies and are designed to provide protein supplements. The most common FBF is the Corn Soya Blend (CSB) which is mixed with water and
cooked as porridge. This is distributed on a monthly basis and follow ups are done monthly.
Other services provided at the SFP include Deworming for children, Immunization and Micronutrient supplementation. Also referrals are done of the SFP beneficiaries in case of medical complications.
This service is offered to severely malnourished (SAM) children under five. The services offered include: Screening the children under five for SAM. Those found to be severely malnourished are admitted to the OTP programme. Within the OTP programme, severely malnourished children receive Ready- to-Use-Therapeutic- Food (RUTF) in form of a Plumpy Nut to treat severe malnutrition. For severe ‘complicated’ malnutrition, beneficiaries are referred to a stabilization centres where they are admitted and started on a special diet of F75 therapeutic formula milk.
Once discharged form the OTP program they are referred to the SFP program where they continue to receive RUSFs to prevent a relapse of severe malnourishment. Follow ups are done on the beneficiaries form the OTP programme until they are discharges from the SFP programme.
WOCCA conducts general advocacy campaigns on Nutrition and its related complications of health and sanitation to the community, pregnant and lactating women, and Nutrition and community health workers. Campaign messages are mainly on Hygiene and Sanitation, Infant Young Child Feeding (IYCF), Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) and; a general awareness on malnutrition and the importance of Health facilities.
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